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Socialization of Food Security and Free Health Check-ups

Published at 1/27/2025
#Socialization of Food Security and Free Health Check-ups

Hurung Tampang Village - February 2024.

PT Sembilan Tiga Perdana is always consistent in encouraging a society that initially has a passive paradigm to become an active, independent, and prosperous society in the fields of Economy, Education, Health, and Culture, which serves as the background for its implementation. PT Sembilan Tiga Perdana, in the implementation of Community Development and Empowerment (PPM) activities, does not merely consider it an obligation to the Government, but rather a call of humanitarian instinct for positive change. 

Socialization in the Economic Field (Ketahanan Pangan)

After observing the potential and interest of the residents, we are striving to encourage them to actively and independently conduct experiments in small-scale agriculture, particularly the cultivation of certain types of vegetables, which we hope can become a source of independent livelihood for the residents in the future.

Out of a total of 102 households and around 257 residents living in Katanjung Village, only 2 groups are interested in trying to develop vegetable planting activities.Where each group consists of 2 members focusing on types of seeds: Eggplant, Bird's Eye Chili, Cucumber, and Bitter Melon. The formation of this group is intended so that the community can get used to adapting, managing independently, and directly experiencing the benefits.

Free Health Checkup

Health check-ups and the provision of free medication to all village residents are priority programs, and from the several examinations that have been conducted, the residents of Hurung Tampang village can generally be categorized as healthy and do not have any diseases that require special treatment. However, the Health team recorded 1 child who was declared stunted, and it has been reported to the Sei Hanyo Health Center.

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Development and Empowerment of the Katanjung Village Community