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Development and Empowerment of the Katanjung Village Community

Published at 1/27/2025
#Development and Empowerment of the Katanjung Village Community #February 2024

Development and Empowerment of the Katanjung Village Community, February 2024

PT Sembilan Tiga Perdana consistently strives to transform a society that initially has a passive paradigm into an active, independent, and prosperous community in the fields of economy, education, health, and culture, which serves as the background for its implementation.

PT Sembilan Tiga Perdana, in the implementation of this PPM activity, does not only consider it an obligation to the government but rather a call of humanitarian instinct for a positive change. Therefore, entering its second year of implementation, the PPM Team consistently strives to realize the development aspirations of the community in the surrounding area. There are 2 programs being implemented, namely food security socialization and health checks for residents.

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